And what can you do if you experience the Puppy Blues?
Puppies are darling!!
Puppies make us smile! Our hearts melt with puppy cuteness! Puppies play and lick our faces!
They provide companionship and love! Dogs are our furry best friends!
So why would anyone experience the “PUPPY BLUES”?

What are the “puppy blues”?
It’s like post-partum depression for new puppy owners.
​​Feeling a range of emotions
such as:
overwhelmed, sad, helpless, guilty, trapped, anxious, and/or regret.
How long do the “Puppy Blues” last?
Anywhere from: few days---or weeks----or few month - The onset can be experienced at any point during the puppy stage:
It may begin immediately after you bring your dog home
During the first week
Or it may happen after a few months
Do ALL new puppy owners experience the “Puppy Blues”?
No, but it is fairly common. All new puppy owners experience both ups & DOWNS and highs & LOWS.
It is more common among first-time dog owners. If you have never adopted a puppy, it can be hard to imagine that puppy ownership is not 100% cuteness and bliss! Your expectation may be “a joyful and happy life with my new best friend!” and then the reality of puppyhood (messiness, responsibilities, and training) doesn’t meet the expectations, this can lead to the “Puppy Blues.”
It is also more common when a dog owner had a very close bond with a previous pet. New emotional bonds don’t form overnight and sometimes there is not an immediate bond with the new puppy. This can lead to “Puppy Blues.”
Common Symptoms of the “Puppy Blues”
Any feelings of sadness may be confusing, you may begin thinking:

Is this the right puppy for me?”
“Did I rush into this?”
“I wish I had thought through my decision.”
"Am I horrible for wanting to give my puppy back?”
“Am I just a terrible owner?”
“Did I make the correct decision?”
~Common Causes of the “PUPPY BLUES”~
Sleep deprivation. New puppies may cry at night when they are lonely or scared. They may also cry at night when they need to go out and potty. These stages are temporary.
Teething. Teething is temporary, however the biting and nipping can be quite painful. Also chewing (destroying) our belongings can happen when puppies are teething. Not allowing the puppy to roam freely, unsupervised in the home is the best remedy for this.
Potty training issues. Some puppies take longer than others to be fully potty trained. Accidents in the home are frustrating and messy. But just like our human toddlers, some toddlers potty-train younger & easier than others. This is not indicative of anything except maturity and bladder control. Potty training often requires patience.
An immediate bond doesn’t happen. New owners often experience much anticipation and excitement awaiting the arrival of a new puppy! So when they do not form an immediate bond this can lead to confusion and sadness. Particularly if the owner had very close bonds with a previous pet since it is difficult (if not impossible) not to compare the two relationships of the old pet to the new puppy. New relationships are “new” and it takes time for them to develop and deepen. This disappointment can lead to the “puppy blues”.
Change. Our everyday lives change when we incorporate a fur baby into our home. New routines (and new responsibilities) are formed around the new puppy. The disruption of old routines and loss of freedom can also lead to the “puppy blues”.
Demands. There’s a sudden shift in focus of your life. A dramatic increase in time and energy must spent on this new furry baby. It takes time to adjust to a new routine and new demands on your life
What can I do about “PUPPY BLUES” ~related to training~
​The first thing you should do is take a step back. Give yourself some time to research some training strategies.
Identify the behavior that is making you the most frustrated (or driving you insane)?
It is easy to get frustrated when you don’t understand why your puppy is doing what he/she is doing. Researching that behavior helps you better understand your puppy's mind and what he/she is thinking.
Luckily, lots of other puppy owners have experienced similar situations before. You can find answers and SUPPORT from social media groups and videos….the days of reading boring dog training books are now in the rear-view mirror!
Find a method that you have not tried.
Find encouragement from progress in other areas (not the problem area). Focus on this other area for a time.
Correcting bad behaviors often takes longer than we would like. Make peace with yourself, knowing that your puppy CAN do things (just not grasping the problem issue).
Sometimes, maturity (age) is part of the solution.
Here are a few things you could try for training issues
Training classes…..After one or two classes, you should feel more confident in your abilities!
Increasing exercise
Clicker training
Doggie daycare
Crate training
Puppy ownership is not always a beautiful experience in the beginning. Good habits and healthy coping mechanisms take time to form.
Caring for a puppy looks like tons of fun from the outside, but it is a lot of work. Don’t be fooled by the cute videos--those dog owners have puppy problems too. “Everyone else has great dogs, except me” is NOT true.
You will quickly forget it all! Even experienced dog owners forget how difficult caring for a new puppy can be.
You are not alone! Millions of dog owners have gone through something similar. Every situation is unique, but you can do this too! And it is so worth it!!
Puppies grow incredibly fast. Within 6-9 months of owning your new puppy, he/she will look and act more like a dog than a puppy.
There is an end. The puppy stage does not last forever. Eventually, you will have an older, calmer dog.
Someday when your dog is getting up in years, you will miss the cute & crazy puppy days…and you will do it all again!!